Last edit: May 27, 2019 06:53:53 AM CDT
List of all cheatsheets
Set a Mac VM to boot to the Recovery partition
Add the following to the VMX file: macosguest.forceRecoveryModeInstall = "TRUE"
Generate a MDM-safe, Apple's modern serial number format serial number (v11+)
Add the following to the VMX file: smbios.restrictSerialCharset = "TRUE"
Use Apple's modern serial number format to generate a serial number(older than v11)
Add the following to the VMX file: SMBIOS.use12CharSerialNumber = “TRUE”
Set a serial number
Add the following to the VMX file: serialNumber = “serial_here”
Generate a random serial number
serialNumber = "[python -c "import string; from random import randint, sample; print('VM' + ''.join(sample((string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits),10)))"]"
Boot a VM from the Recovery Partion/Other Partition
1. Power on to Firmware
2. In Boot Manager, pick “Enter Setup”
3. Select "Boot from a file"
4. Select /EFI/Recovery/Other
Mount the Shared Folder in Ubuntu Server VM
mkdir /mnt/hgfs
mount -t fuse.vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /mnt/hgfs
ESXi Backups
Backup the host configuration
vicfg-cfgbackup –server [FQDN of host] –save –username [user] /path/to/export.tgz
ESXi Hosts
Get current version
vmware -lv
ESXi Place host into maintenance mode
vicfg-hostops –server [host IP] –username root –operation enter
ESXi Reboot the host
vicfg-hostops –server [host IP] –operation reboot
ESXi Take host out of maintenance mode
vicfg-hostops –server [host IP] –operation exit
ESXi Get list of VMs on an ESX host
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
Determine the switchport numbers and MAC addresses for all VMkernel interfaces, vmnic uplinks and vNIC ports
net-stats -l
ESXi Installs & Updates
List image profiles in the patch
esxcli -s [host IP] –username root software sources profile list –depot=/
Install with dry-run option
esxcli -s [host IP] –username root software profile install –depot=/ –dry-run –
Update with dry-run option
esxcli -s [host IP] –username root software profile update –depot=/ –dry-run –
Perform the update
esxcli -s [host IP] –username root software profile update –depot=/ –